IPS 15m Trailer BrightonBeach

This is the first Trailer Stage stocked by IPS, and it offers a quick deployment with minimal crew whilst still offering lots of configuration options and a very high specification in terms of performance. Self-contained within an extended length articulated lorry trailer, this 15m by 12m hydraulic self-lifting structure provides a 14.2m wide by 11.5m deep performance area with an impressive roof loading for any production rigging requirements. The interior of the structure is all finished in black for a very neat look, and it is supplied with a choice of PA/Branding wing configurations. Rear and Side Cowsheds are available as options, along with a range of step and dock access configurations to get onto the structure platform.

smartstage180 Trailer at IPSThe smartStage 180 offers the benefits of a mobile trailer stage, whilst keeping the appearance and roof loadings of a conventional Outdoor Stage Structure. Trailer Stages present a few different access and site requirements compared to our other structures but depending on the specific event requirements these are usually more than offset by the short build time. There are various branding opportunities within this structure, and all IPS structures have full H&S documentation and structural calculations and are installed by a trained team of IPS technicians. 


Please contact us for a quote or more information, or to discuss your event in more detail.

Click here to download the IPS 15m smartStage 180 Trailer Stage Roof details